Tricks or Treats: An Anthology for Charity
The season that surrounds Halloween is the perfect time to sit back, relax, and tell scary stories. Whether around a campfire or sharing stories in your living room, the fun of telling spooky tales is a tradition that goes back for generations. In this collection, find stories that scare the heebie-jeebies out of you, some that provide a little comic relief during this scary season and others that make you realize later on things were not as they seemed.
Authors have been given the choice - to trick you or to treat you. Beware as you read stories that may twist... in the end.
The Avenged: The Seeds of Vengeance by Toni Bolton
Damn, Damn, Double Damn by Roux Cantrell
Tricky Treats by Tiffany Carby
The Glass Crypt by T. Elizabeth Guthrie
Pumpkin Spiced Demise by Chandra Trulove Fry
The Fountain by Lorah Jaiyn
When the Dead Walk by Cassandra Jones
A Darker Shade of Crimson by Alice La Roux
Unmasking Beauty by J.C. Madison
Xander’s Treat by MK Moore
Halloween at Devil’s Gate by Samantha Rae
Mr. Reid Returns by Laurie Treacy
Rain’s Secret by Thea Valentine